Working Hours:

Monday – Thursday: 9 A.M. – 3 P.M.

Friday – 9 A. M. – 1 P.M


Who can connect with the HOPE Helpline:

  • Individuals who have experienced: Miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal loss, pre-term loss, termination due to medical reasons, SIDS.
  • Individuals at every stage of loss: Initial grief, after previous loss, pregnancy after loss, parenting post loss.
  • Anyone who has been impacted by pregnancy or infant loss: birthing person, partners, grandparents, support people
  • Individuals of all: ethnicities & faiths.

You might be feeling lost. Alone. Angry.

You are worthy of having a soft place for your feelings to land.

A place where you are validated.

A place where your heart can rest.

A place where people can truly relate.

You are worthy of a space that sees all of you.


Connect with our peer volunteers today

This program is fully funded by: